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Stan Mullins

Stan Mullins: An Introduction

International visual artist Stan Mullins resides in a renovated and redesigned 18th century cottonseed oil refinery, in picturesque downtown Athens, GA. This space expresses his deep love of history and culture, local and global. His works span the globe both literally and figuratively. Throughout his more than 25 year artistic career Mullins has traveled and worked on several continents. Throughout these travels he gained his enthusiasm for embracing numerous cultures. In the last quarter-century Mullins has created thousands of works of art in a multiple of mediums. In a rich environment of 7,000 square feet of interior studio space as well as a ever-growing “Sculpture Garden”, koi pond and 2 acres of land the artist has created his own wave of ever-changing creative inspiration.

Creative Process

His mediums vary with need of expression and idea; from light touched watercolors to bold oil on canvas paintings; from epic bronze sculptures to his new passion, everlasting stone monuments in marble and granite. His current passion is large scale monuments. Mullins enjoys the unique challenges of each creation as well as their natural beauty and strength of durability.

International Work

While calling Athens, Georgia home, Mullins continues to travel the globe on the quest of spiritual enlightenment and artistic growth and development. With his breakthrough conversations with CNN in 1992 and continuous interviews, publications, and publicity, Mullins has remained a relevant artist in the global flow of events.

Invited to Rwanda in 1993, Mullins created countless artworks of the peoples, animals and environments. Upon his return in February and March of 1994 his works were on display at The French Cultural Center and subsequently Hotel Mille Collins. Mullins maintains an ongoing commitment to Africa and its peoples, animals and environments. Invited by Rotary International, Mullins visited Japan and presented “Out of the Ashes” as a commemorative sculpture of the 9/11 attacks. This piece is now displayed in the Kyoto Convention and Visitors Center. Another global endeavor,“La Deposizione di Christo” was presented and blessed by Il Vescovo S.E. Mons. D’Ascenzi for the Cortona Cathedral. It remains on permanent display in the East Chapel of “La Chiesa Dello Spirito Santo”.

American Touchstones

Currently, Mullins is focused on sculpture in stone and bronze. “Saint Mary of the Assumption“, a five ft tall marble sculpture resides in a prominently beside the façade of the Catholic Church in Lancaster, Ohio. “The Character of a Champion” depicts

University of Georgia head Coach Vince Dooley as his team won the 1980 National Championship. “The Hands of Respect” commissioned for World, “Erk Russell, The Legend“ will be unveiled fall of 2012 and “The Caretakers of the Land’” commissioned for a Children’s Camp in the North Georgia Mountains all epitomize Mullins vast talents and his love of life, learning, and living. The over riding passion of his commissioned works is a sense of spiritual beauty and lasting worth.

Commissions: An Interactive Relationship

Mullins continues to pursue his global artistic vision while inviting patrons and viewers along for the journey. A fluid approach to commissioned works imparts a feeling of ’communion’ in which the artist and patron conceive a work of art together. Mullins invites the patron into dialogue of the entire creative process. When working with a patron or client, the artist completely embodies the idea and emotion of the subject to be rendered. Thus each work of art, from a small watercolor, to epic scale sculpture embodies a passion for life and living that is both inspirational and personal.

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Stan is fantastic! He exceeded all expectations in every respect, and I would recommend him to anyone and everyone in an instant.

Victoria Squire
Happy Customer

I’m writing to you today to personally thank you and your team for such brilliant work. It’s probably the greatest artwork I’ve ever had, and I’ve numerous compliments. Once again, thanks for creating fantastic art!

Owen Ayres
Very Happy Customer